What is the best shift RPM?
There is no magic shift rpm for any bike/rider as there are too many variables; rider tuck position and shift ability (quickness/style etc.) play a role in this. If I tell you XX, XXX you might hit the limiter, or you might get to it so quickly that you are leaving wasted horsepower on the table after the shift.
Remember the available power AFTER the shift is as important as the peak shift point.
Example: Go to the drag strip and shift at redline on the tach, you probably just reached peak power and then shifted out of it. After the shift, you may have dropped to an area of your power curve that is 10-15 HP lower than peak power.
Next, add 400 RPM above the redline. (If your limiter allows this, typically most bikes will run 200-600 RPM higher than redline without hitting the limiter) You stayed in a peak power area for a longer period of time AND you had 8-10 more HP available AFTER the revs dropped. Since the bike did not drop as low in the power curve as it did during a shorter shift. This higher average power makes it easier for the bike to accelerate which leads to quicker E.T.'s and higher MPH.
All of our exhaust systems, are designed to produce peak power in the high revs without harming acceleration in the low revs. We see very little "nose over" on our dyno runs on any late model engines even if there is a slight drop, this is without ram air. During a real-world run, the ram air reduces or eliminates this. Don't be afraid to touch the limiter during your testing at the strip, it's the only way you are going to know where the best shift point is for you.
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