What do the map names and abbreviations mean?
Our map structure and labeling is:
TRACK MAP - for use on the drag strip with a Sprint Filter air filter using oxygenated fuel (MR12, MRX01, etc.)
STREET MAP - for use on the street with air cleaner installed using pump gas.
PUMP TRACK MAP - for use on the track with air cleaner installed using pump gas.
Note: it is not necessary to switch maps back and forth, BUT the best drivability and performance will be noticed if you do.
TRE installed - IVAN TRE part # TRE-008 for ZX-14 added
NOSEC - Secondary throttle plates (flies) removed
Example: BPP-ZX14-06-Smeg-NB-ZX106_TRACK-NOSEC_MAP1.djm
Is for use in a ZX-14 (-ZX-14), year 2006 (-06) with our Street Megaphone (-Smeg) with NO BAFFLE (-NB) For TRACK use with the Secondary throttle plates removed (-NOSEC) _ MAP1 is the first of a series more COULD follow if required.
Note: If a map file says Smeg_ (for example) that is because we must name them something (we can't list every possible application - Smeg_CT_Gen3_AlienHead_Shortmeg the name would be too long). The complete description is in the body of the e-mail and tell the full map use in detail: Smeg, CT single, etc.
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