What is the proper way to adjust my cable clutch?
The video below addresses most modern sportbike clutch cable adjustments. The adjustments will be performed in two places - at the lever and at the clutch throwout adjuster. The 2017 GSX-R1000 clutch throwout adjustment used in this demonstration is located behind the clutch cover. This bike also has removable plug in the clutch cover for easy adjustment. Some earlier model bikes will have a similar adjustment on the opposite side of the engine, typically behind a plug on the sprocket cover. Check your service manual for details on your particular machine.
The SEQUENCE of adjustment is critical:
- Turn cable adjuster at the clutch lever all the way in to create as much free-play as possible.
- Remove excessive free-play at the clutch throwout adjuster. Check your service manual. We add 1/2-3/4 turn free play for hot street use and 1 full turn for drag use.
- Adjust remaining free-play at the lever.
Notes/Helpful Tips
- 2-3 mm free play at the lever is typical with standard clutch springs.
- Extra heavy-duty clutch springs may only allow 1mm free play at the lever to allow clutch engagement at lever midpoint.
- Some new clutches require the lever to have little or no free play. This is not a problem as long as the correct free play is maintained at the throwout.
- Please remember, a new clutch (and/or increased stack height) will make the release closer to the bar. This will naturally change with clutch wear.
- If clutch lever requires excessive force to modulate - oil cable or replace (it makes a world of difference in the clutch feel!)
- For drag use, we inspect/adjust the free-play every 5 passes or so. More frequently if required.
- It's common for the free-play to completely leave the lever after a drag pass and return once the clutch cools.
More tips in video, Adjustment segment begins at 33:10
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